Salvatore Sodano
Recent Publications
"A Call to Arms"
Two boys, brothers, best friends, soldiers in their own fantasy explore their backyard as if it were a world of its own. Their safe world of imagination suddenly becomes too real as they're met face to face with a feral animal who may or may not break through their rear fence.
Published in "Rue Scribe" Literary Magazine at https://underwoodpress.com/ruescribe/the-small-literature/page/10/
"The Revisit"
Thomas, a lonesome widower, decides after years without his beloved, to embark on a trip to the Bahamas where he had honeymooned years before. He is haunted by his past and meets a bartender and a candlemaker who lead him down a strange path of alternate realities where he may be able to relive lost moments.
"Vigo's Shroud"
An ordinary day at an ordinary barber shop soon seems inordinacy when the barber, Vigo, seems to be on the brink of a violent outbreak.
"Madmen Know Nothing"
This contest winning short story has smokey overtones of Edgar Allen Poe's "A Tell Tale Heart." A man becomes obsessed with the rumor that a waitress at the bar he works at may have a wooden leg. When the moment obsession turns darkest there is no turning back.
"War with the Magi"
A lonesome man suffering from a recent breakup cannot find peace in his own apartment as it has been invaded by ants; three in fact. And he has given them names as well as war.
"The Fool"
This poem indulges on the fulcrum of blissful ignorance. This poem is inspired by Barnett Newman's 'Vir Heroicus Sublimus' painting (link provided).